The last week of school. What a long, crazy road this year has been!
I'm trying so hard to get back to some sort of regular writing schedule and struggling. There's so much going on - and so much I want to share - but I just can't seem to find the time. I've got half-written posts clogging up my brain...but this week?
This week is nuts.
Today, awards assemblies at both kid's schools. Allergy shots. Things to ship. Bank statements to fax (an offer on our house in Florida - praise God!). Pizza with the baseball team. Tomorrow, my nephew is coming over to play and I've got to run to Costco. Thursday? Last day of school and more nephew time.
Oh, and I thought it would be fun to let Hanna end the year with a we've got a few of her friends coming over to spend the night, and that means a little extra cleaning and cooking and planning.
It really wouldn't be a big deal...
but I've got anywhere from 40-50 guests coming Saturday to help celebrate Tom's completion of his Master's degree.
*insert sarcastic comment about what a genius I am sometimes*
And somewhere, I'm praying I can find time for the gym, or at least a few laps at the park.
Next week, life should calm down a bit...with big news and good changes on the horizon.
And I can't wait to finally be able to share them.
glad I found you!
blessings from
brittany @
Posted by: brittany | May 31, 2011 at 11:48 AM
Hmmm...your life sounds EXACTLY like mine. Schools done on Thursday, half written blog post, no time to exercise, yep, that is my life! At least you seem to have a good handle on food. I ate Doritos for lunch yesterday, I know, BAD! I am looking forward to school being done. My boys sleep in during the summer and I hope to get up early and get things done, like blogging!
Posted by: Ingrid | May 31, 2011 at 06:49 PM