This week, the mask has slipped.
The girl who has it all together - in spite of the fact her husband hasn't a job since mid-January...in spite of a house for sale in a market that won't recover until about 2030...in spite of the fact she's exhausted and overwhelmed by a crazy schedule...in spite of the kids and dogs and the cross country move to live with her parents...in spite of (or maybe because of) that long desired ministry position that we're right on the thresh hold of - that girl fell a part.
Big time.
Sobby, anxiety ridden, frustrated.
Not wanting to hear platitudes.
Not wanting to hear oft-quoted Scripture.
Wanting to hear God.
Wanting to see Him move.
Needing to know...just a little...of where this path is leading...that this struggle is worth it.
Deep breath.
Just when I thought it was all I could take, God spoke. He moved. He gave me that little glimpse I needed to shore up my hope.
Deep breath.
What's 5 Minute Friday?
From Gypsymama: So, here’s the skinny: I’ve been thinking about writing and how often our perfectionism gets in the way of our words. And I figured, why not take 5 minutes and see what comes out: not a perfect post, not a profound post, just five minutes of focused writing.
Wow - I relate to all of these posts in different ways. I've lived this journey that you write of - and too, "Just when I thought it was all I could take, God spoke. He moved. He gave me that little glimpse I needed to shore up my hope."
Lovely! I'm not alone in this journey, that is for certain...
Posted by: Adelle Gabrielson | May 13, 2011 at 08:30 AM
I've been there and I am there, doing some of the same things, but I've been fortunate to find a way to wait on God, and yet recognizing that things could get difficult for us again in just a few months. Breathe and trust that God does and will provide the right thing at the right time. I'm depending on it. Blessings and deep breaths to you!
Posted by: Grace Walker | May 13, 2011 at 08:49 AM
Needed this today! Right there with you! We are waiting on God in so many areas, as well. My husband has sensed a call into the ministry, yet financial hits seem to be coming from everywhere, preventing him going back to school. But God has a plan. We just have to trust! One day, we will look back and see why the trials.
Posted by: Paula | May 13, 2011 at 12:37 PM
Oh Sam, you have no idea how much this resonates with me today :) Thank you for your transparency- it encourages me to blog more and keep striving for the same sort of authenticity I always admire in you! Love you girl!
Posted by: Nik | May 13, 2011 at 11:36 PM