And no, they're not of food this time (but maybe later. I'm trying a new recipe for dinner).
When I bought my Nikon D70 from Jacob, he included a 50mm fixed lens (actually it's a 50 mm lens and then there's something about 1:1.8D - I really need to read that manual).
And I left that lens in the box.
Because to be terribly honest, I'm still a bit frightened of the camera (which would probably be remidied if I fit some of my photo books into my regular reading rotation).
It's heavier than I'm used to, and faster than I'm used to, and well - there are an awful lot of buttons and dials and things that I could seriously screw up.
But last night, I was feeling inspired. The kids were playing outside in the sprinklers and eating popcicles and I decided to just go for it. Took the kit lens off the camera body and snapped on the 50 mm.
And I may never take it off.
I love this lens.
I love the pictures I took with this lens.
The pictures Tom took of me with this lens, I don't so much love.
They're already deleted.
And he's not allowed to touch the camera anymore.
But these quick pics of the kids - look at the water on Caleb's hand.
How crisp the popcicle is, and how you can still tell it's him.
And then there's Hanna.
Her serious look, which we don't see so often (at least not when the camera is out).
These are straight from the camera, and I'll probably play with the one of Hanna a little - brighten it up a bit.
I'm addicted.
I've got a little photo shoot in the plans for this weekend :)
And maybe even reading some of those manuals and photo books that are sitting in my studio.
Weight Watcher's today - down 2 more pounds. Total of 19.2.
Go me!
I was really, really hoping to hit 20 today, but 2 is good.
Very good.
And my usual after-Weight Watcher's treat - a trip to the library by myself. I love having time to browse, only carrying my own books and not the 14 oversized whale ones Caleb likes.
2 more Jonathon Kellerman books (dang, he's addictive! I start one and I can't put it down until it's done). I'm also really digging Robert Harris right now - he's a bit like Irving Stone with intrigue. 4 books total for this week - I'm almost embarassed by how much I've been reading lately, but I haven't really been watching television. Maybe 4 or 5 hours a week here lately.
Certainly not complaining about that.
LOVE the pictures! They are absolutely beautiful...of course, the subjects are pretty cute, so not sure if you can help but make a beautiful picture.
Molly sends her love.
You've inspired Jason...he asked me this morning if I saw your flank steak recipe. That's his not so subtle way of saying that I need to try some new recipes.
Posted by: Jana Harwell | April 24, 2007 at 06:32 PM